There was a time when the glass slipper graced my delicate la petite foot that you guessed we had a similar future but discreetly you mocked me
We should have been married in time and gently rearing gently bred children but the lure of longevity, put you away from me, so many years ahead of us
Guess what I put in the teapot of our delicately brewing tempest?
Yes, coffee, that insidious brew that you refuse to drink with me as we sit watching the sun gain it's zenith, waiting for it to become an apex in the sky And when it leaves its blood spread across acres of blue I scream WHY~
Until we sink into the darkness of the night and black becomes white and the stars are just aneurisms exploding behind eyes that are blind
I find Excuses and non de plumes another name for the noxious fumes that you continually spew at me Freedom, Anonymity all which are acceptable to you but not me