Her shoulder rose like the moon above the black velvet of bolero jacket She took his arm, his eyes-- An apogee She took the room in reverence
So slowly shed the mountains shed the light hand to touch their wonder Gazing after her noiseless ascent which never happened while they watched....
Pearls— roll against warmth luxuriating offspring cool encircling contents iridesce their energies’ warning: Nothing quite that simple Nothing quite that still
Nothing like the opulence on the Proud Eve of catastrophe
Pearls— caught in the lining of what never happens the first time....
She heard them before she saw them rip their orbits! fission her universe! in the mezzanine of the symphony hall Pin ball in the Fun House Bingo bounce off— the hardwoods of space....
Universal Theory of Scatter? Even now I can still hear the clatter of their round smooth souls in the doorways of distant relatives
How could I know? You would condemn me to find them all?
I think it is possible to know the high water mark of your life.