darkness needs no chasing, and hate requires no erasing; neither needs a fight, when we only need to find the light. (and love) switch. see... it there upon the wall? its been there all along. see? reach... deep inside your heart!
for darkness in light’s very presence ceases to exist when light can shine in to all the reaches. all the hidey holes and creases.
you'll not find a child. who on a cloudless night. will gaze into the sky. and exclaim with all their might, “wow, look at all the dark!” no! they’ll see but stars, a myriad points of bright no need to curse the dark when you can simply find the light.
so bring a flashlight. bring a lantern. bring a love light. to your corner of the world. pay no mind to all the darkness; turn the light on, let love harken! its so simple you will wonder, why you had to read these silly words, for that inner switch inside you like the light bulb just turned on.
post script.
imagine asking for a dark bulb at your local hardware store. far too much energy is being wasted trying to run around and chase it, when its just a switch away.
“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also." Gen 1:6
*i know, we both want something super profound... but why? because it feels like more? no! come on... let’s stop complicating what really is that simple!!