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Jan 2017
In my heart lies a beautiful land
A so wonderful Eden wealthy with fortunes
A Disney of desired treasures and pleasures
Yet inviolate, undiscovered and unexplored  

In my soul sleeps in wait a cozy of comforts
A bed of flowery roses and fluffy linens
An exquisite suite of cottons, chiffons and satins  
A ****** bed, uninhabited and unoccupied

My face and space is an endless world of amorous fondness
My eyes are a teary glassy pane, a gate pass to a waiting soul
A waiting soul to sincerely donate and devote:
A waiting heart to loyally obligate and dedicate  

My arms and palms stretches with plenty of passion and compassion
My embraces are cradles of craves for a soul to cuddle in obsession
My chest is a laid lavish cushion, a destiny of love and affection
Waiting for an immaculate one to implore and explore this fortune

Deep in groves of my thoughts  
In the labyrinths of my minds
Hidden is a grail rich of feelings and love
An overflow of emotions waiting for one to touch and attach
A flood of ardour for one to truly adore and worship

O my love, where thou art?
Are you in the skirts of winds and airs to catch my breaths
Are you in the suns and summers to feel my worming warmths?
Are you in the stars and moons to glimpse on my lonely stance?
Are you in the hills and deserts to watch my naked noon’s dunes dance?
Are you in the silences and quietness to listen to the dirge of my sorrowing calms?
O my love……………………where art thou?

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Kìùra Kabiri
Written by
Kìùra Kabiri  Earth
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