love walks in when you least expect it and it is both beautiful and ruinous. those feelings of love are the most powerful and beautiful feelings on planet earth and i wish to feel that someday. but love can be ugly and one-sided and that seems to be the only kind of love i know. love from family is warm and comforting, and that is never one sided. but love from others is unkind, it is fickle and fleeting and leaves a bad aftertaste. unrequited love is not romantic, it is pain, a pain that is both sharp and dull at the same time. the initial sharp stab eventually subsides and is gone. but the dull pain never goes away, you just make room for it and live with that dull ache until you are lucky enough to find someone who thinks you shine brighter than the sun and whose heart skips a beat when you walk in a room and who loves your whole person and entire soul.
that is the love i will search the ends of the earth for but will never find