If she is always asking if she looks pretty you need to compliment her more If she is doing things on purpose to annoy you it is a sign you're not giving her enough attention If she purposely wears a color she knows is your favorite it is her way of saying she loves you acknowledge that If her feelings get hurt when you deny her kisses she is not being over sensitive you basically told her you don't want her love A woman's love is constant It is in her blood to love the man she is with every minute of every day If you men only knew how much love your woman has for you I don't think you could ever begin to imagine it because if you did you would never deny it Compliment her everyday it will make her feel more secure in her skin Tell her good morning when she wakes up Don't send her a text buy her coffee, flowers or a book and tell her good morning in person Don't wait until she's dressed up to remind her of her beauty Tell her even when she's dressed in her ugliest pair of pajamas Say thank you when she gives you a sincere compliment Kiss her as she does the dishes Watch a cheesy movie with her from time to time Let her take care of you when you're sick Let her buy you gifts Let her hold you and soak in every ounce of love she offers Hold her hand in public Give her the freedom to express her feelings without getting upset Make her laugh until it hurts her to breathe Have a conversation with her at the dinner table Tell her you love her every time the opportunity presents itself because you never know when God will choose to take her do not wait for her to say it first Love her and let her love you back
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: January. 13, 2017 Friday 6:27 PM