coffee crazy coffee crazy drip drip drip drip down the side of my mug 3 am this is why i stay Away from this stuff coffee crazy on my third cup liquid prison sitting dizzy just one more please just one more i am not done working 4 am it just felt like a few minutes I’m loosing track of the 5 am hours the clock is running faster with each ounce heart beat heart beat unsteady it’s horribly unsteady it’s horribl-6 am-y unsteady but i write and i write and i write about every uncertain, earth shattering broken heart and the unsteady shake of the earth and the broken unsteady beats ripping me apart 7 am sunrise and i am b l i n d e d by the soft uncentered light drifting through my hazy hazy window and my legs are shaking and 8 am i am sure i am dead and by 9 i am six feet under the ground