It's been a while since I wrote, Since I usually only write when I'm struggling And lately ive not been struggling Since my mom moved out and I moved back in Since I became tired of school Since I became normal
I'm sick of being normal I want to be on an extreme I want to be depressed I want to be elated Ive felt both sides of the spectrum and I'm bored of being nothing special anymore I'm sick of doing nothing all day because I find it relaxing I'm sick of talking to strangers all night because the people in my life in front of me don't entertain me anymore.
Wife me up is a weird phrase, isn't it?
Spanish class shouldn't be this boring
Why can't he be my own age? And not make bad choices, like me?
I'm the bad choice, not the one who makes bad choices I think
I'm sick of saying "I think" and people accepting that as fact and being okay with the fact that nothing is definite