“Burgundy sounds more poetic than maroon" You say, in regards to your sweater. -I’m just romanticizing it tossed across my room
As you push me to the mattress and strip me down passed skin and bones
back to the vibrations of my soul
Humming along, are you a muse or a siren song?
Are you rebirth or are you just another little death of inspiration?
So fleeting.
I hate when you’re leaving, because it leaves me longing and pathetic
I’m just the impulsive one with the most grandiose dreams. Like I wanna give you everything from the depths of these ****** up fantasies With the most golden ******* intentions
Because you’re the reason for the ringing in my ear when I feel like I’m onto something
The reason that the season starts to make me feel better
So can you just stay while I romanticize your sweater?