tattoo the word Holocaust onto the palm of every African-American.... and wait... Apache! hood crux pixie... ****** addicts in Westplate.... and wait for a century... give it 100 years in Auschwitz... or give it ***** hope for a pear.... and then i'd too coagulate into custard phlegm... auf wiedersehen lenin... contort hippie named contra... armed boa: and that handshake... hoarce Horace! shatayin bigger, bottom-blob bound into eminem.... and it was always to be dirtied by luck... fetish... dodged and the dog and cameod the crucifix... igloos in egypt: senf (mustard) gaz (gas): khaki diarhhea. gravitas in the grün... mein iris... regen bonne hund! volphren kind... prunes of y in iota said: dried out kynd... and pirates toward a je - taime calculator: taming the berserk stierhund... bison-knirschen: hans klaus - myth-gate ᛋᛋ... bolt and Zeus... i am: heritage +. Croatian nazis.... nicht, nic, die volk. annehmen steuern... katakombe denken... ᚠᚨᚱᛟᛖ ᛁᛋᛚᛖᛋ... told: by a hobbit... or originating from Dublin: ****'s sake!