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Jan 2017
The more i fall
The more i learn
And the more i learn
The more i yearn

Everytime i make a mistake
I pick up something new
But i hope i don't repeat them
And i pray that they are in number a few

Mistakes enlighten me
They speak to me
Sometimes in hushed tones
While sometimes they scream their lungs out
I try to get rid of the ones i've met
And yet somehow a few sneaky ******* find a way into my mind
The longer they reside in me
They just keep messing with my head
Some haunt me like bad memories and nightmares do
But truth be told..they are a part of my existence
They've been added to my account
So i can't refuse to accept them
But on the other hand i'm also happy that i've made some of them
For that shows that i've tried
Sometimes i wonder as to whether i would be where i am today without my mistakes...
Have my mistakes made me a better person
Or have they exposed this dark monster inside of me that was for so long dormant?
Sk Abdul Aziz
Written by
Sk Abdul Aziz
       kim, Weeping willow, ---, Ramin Ara, --- and 10 others
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