january how many more broken nights of crying will it take before you are strong enough to say goodbye?
february stop forcing yourself to swallow your feelings. you are so much more than he is claiming, and you need to get this through your head.
march follow your gut feeling. the way he speaks to you and makes you feel will never be okay and this is toxic.
april stay true to your word and stop giving him more chances. he comes crawling back with flowers on your bed and you take him back every **** time.
may you want to prove to him that you don't need him, and once he sees that get back together with him in a few months. but you tell everyone else that you are done for good.
june you are surrounded by music and dancing and laughing and for the first time in a year you feel alive and apologize to yourself for allowing his brokenness to consume you for so long.
july you can't imagine ever being with someone so toxic again. you regret letting him manipulate you for so long, but you know that you had to learn a lesson, and are now not so naive.
august this has been the greatest summer of your life and you are thankful everyday that you worked up the courage to leave him.
september you start college and see that he would have prohibited your future if you didn't leave him. he was manipulating and toxic.
october you start to really like a new guy and for all the right reasons. you see patience, understanding, and empathy, all things that the last boy lacked.
november you are still crushing on this boy and have now kissed him, but you know that you still do not want a boyfriend, you are not ready, you are still too damaged.
december you are now dating this boy. you are scared to fall for him because you never again want to be so blinded by love that you stay long after it's gone bad. let yourself fall. this time you have learned, this time you are stronger, this time you are stable, and this time a good thing lies ahead.