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Jan 2017
please be watching over me
i’m sinking
into nothing
im smaller
my fragments out of reach
nothing to hold onto
im falling
please be waiting for me when its my turn
i wanna see your face
when its all over can i fall into your embrace
sometimes i still feel the warmth on your side of the bed
it hurts with each waking breath
i’ve always wanted to die
to make it all end
but if i make out will you still be my best friend
will you still be waiting for me
will you be watching over me
are you still cheering me on
will i see your face pop up when im gone
or is it true what they say
that theres nothing where you are
that it’s all darkness
are we reborn
where do we go
i want to hold you
just one more day
Josephine Rodriguez
Written by
Josephine Rodriguez  18/Gender Fluid/new york city
(18/Gender Fluid/new york city)   
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