Common place we masquerade in the light, when aligned right Inspiration shows a fairer view There's a canvas in every staircase Documenting the basic human life Unbearable solace comes unannounced Resurrection of real talk floods the avenue Old Bloods make room for the young ones Knowing every generation counts Commotion may pause I'm allowed To walk through I lean when I pass because of earned place It's well known, when writing I'm consumed Lyrical I deliver truths open minded in a closed space Spiritual Been the reborn force in a puddle Saw my reflection unfazed in a monsoon Outlined the losses with chalk, talk about those lost like legends When in reality that is peace we are all due Outstretched arms traced A border on spilt maroon Tear jerkers that flinch, when you're hesitant Stone face for a moment Then they got you On the surface a milestone to gain an inch of momentum If a green leaf speaks of a future You better plant a seed somewhere protected from the weather and concrete I have never seen a stone bloom