Im a random person in this mysterious world, I dont know my number, nor do i care..
I create stuff an write for my own enjoyment, only to show you the things that I say an the thoughts in my day...
Yes, I write stuff to... make you laugh make you cry make you think, make you study...
but dont take the things i say so deeply to heart that it ruins you day an makes you fall apart...
There's a fine line, yes all of the above is true to a certaint extent i dont literally want you to cry becuse your depressed or sad just to make you think an know of the things in this world...
I want you to think about life, have an oppinion or value...
I want you to laught becuse somethings funny, i want you to cry if it means allot to you, I want you to think about everything, study what life has to present to you!!!
Im random, yes, its true... I will write what i feel, what i know, what i come up with... even ifs its of no value or dosent make sence!