When you're close to someone with anxiety You being to notice and think about so many things You notice when they grab your shirt and stand closer You notice that their eyes are trying to focus on something constant You notice that the coffee shop is not as busy as the food court You notice that they're clinging onto their swear when it gets loud You think about if they'll be okay at the mall on Saturday You think that they should on Sunday instead because it's not as busy You think about their date this weekend and if they'll be okay Because their date doesn't know and can't precaution When you're close to someone with anxiety You do things to prevent stress and anxiety attacks You tell them where you are gonna be for the next week Because if they know where you are they can find you if they need you You order food for them when you're out because they can't You hold their hand in the grocery store because it's crowded and they're nervous You don't invite them to busy events because you don't want to cause any of it When you care about someone with anxiety You notice the things that cause the stress and anxiousness You think about how you can prevent the anxiety You do things to make life easier for them When you're close to someone with anxiety You notice things & you think about things & you do things because you care And if it means doing all of that,day and night, you'll do it