1. How to begin? ... "We are Here!" - we all say this with absolute certainty, and it is without doubt the Truth...
When we begin to speak to one another without any certainty, going to fabricating "truths" with hisstory, lacking any real knowledge or irrefutable facts, imagination run amok, it begins to look like the wrong foot... And it sounds like Rabble Raucous Riots Mumbling Music to all ears, those who hear what all there is to Around here
Inside four walls and a low ceiling. Under a short roof, the Chaos bounces quickly back from over our victories, it seems like we've gotten water on the mogwai.
Knowing now we are Our own storms we make here / our sphere / three demensional This circle. What goes 'round, must come 'round. (What are we to each other?)
2. Right should always be alright, all the time... There should be no suffering.
When once it was a perfect circle, knowing nothing about pain or Death That fear made manifest By nothing but a myopic view Giving a word it's name, And with each name - an existence.
So where to begin? Who is asking? Why then should it be?
Should we rather then "believe" like as though we were made convinced, should it not be? How then did this all come To Be?
We begin then with Here, a healthy mind full of heart filled questions felt Little flash bulbs of Star light / sprinkling the blind dark void.
And those questions, that are intimately belonging to us, those questions deserve only the truth.
I expect the same as what I give... And I bow to divinity while I raise her up to / the sky and universe. I your fellow *living proof In these briefest of vast moments shared alongside you.
Let's begin with Life - the fury of God. And with the Truth, the word of ...