All I want for Christmas is peace on earth (well, at least in Amerika); a black, velvet painting of Elvis (the old, fat Elvis of course); massive volcanic eruptions along the Rim of Fire with ensuing Tsunamis for a bit of Yule excitement; A Maserati (red, gently used); health, happiness and peace of mind for my friends and children; a stuffed and mounted Cassowary (but still safely caged); a distance learning course in Alchemy and White Magick; continued success and mastery of obscurity, poverty and poetry; for all the men I served with to be alive, thriving and happy; for all the women I've loved to remember me and smile; for Steve McQueen to play me in the upcoming movie of my life; the usual end to world hunger (more Kale for everyone!); a bottle of pure testosterone, tumescence and liver disease combined (just once, Doc, I promise); a routine, tropical winter for Pennsylvania; release from the burden of time, but not immediately; to end all my dreams with laughter; to meet and shake hands with Buddha; and, of course, to see you again. Think that's too much to ask? It goes without saying I have been very, very good (just ask my loving, schizophrenic cat).