Soundless awakening walk ghost like blend disappear wooden poles that reach for the clouds They display a crown of glory on the forest floor it is told in muffled shade and shadow you
Follow those that make their pilgrimage to temples of sacred stone here in these wooded Wonders enter as a blunder but quickly you are arrested by silence and you are now dutifully
Reverent you who was formed by divine majesty melt under the power and sway humbly and Quietly you bow to that which is amassed thick and denseness flairs in its midst is the nobility
Of timelessness you are nothing more than smoke that rises and is coaxed by a mysteries inaudible Voice it shares the birth of years and the ageless past you feel the great quiet soul that exist here
Like no other place on earth this is not only the great purifier of air by photosynthesis but Here the otherwise vast spirit is condensed cradled after its new birth Washington, Jefferson and
Lincoln spent solitary hours and days being transformed the scent of these trees were Concentrated with the base element of colossal power it formed over eons of time to walk
These forest paths is to release ability first firing the great void of the mind then the heart is Indwelled then the soul ignites into a blaze that rivals a forest fire you came as mere shadow
Stooped in ignorance you leave as an essential light for your time doubts and questions abound Throughout the land fear not he who has lived among giants comes and all will be made clear
You will turn from the waste and superficial his light will touch you and you will be the army Of truth and justice that is at the heart of this great land