I wanted to sum up every addition problem you ever thought was too complex to prove that someone has enough time to understand how beautiful your heart and mind can be. I watched you at what you say is your most unpleasant time and couldn't believe how completely captivating it is to see you be you. In no way do i ever try to step over the line. But if you asked me to skip jump or run I'd probably trip into you. My eyes are forever weary but your smile energizes more than my pupils to expand and my mind to explain to my heart what it's like to have wings. I once took a breath of you home and my mom questioned exactly why my smile smelled like heavens kiss. I knew why but could never express it. I hope to one day feel how amazing your lips will sting against my mess of a body. To interlock our fingers in a tangle while walking through life as one. I was made to be that half of you that completely annoys your soul. And yet you keep wanting more.