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Dec 2016
My God girl you had me talking,
For fifteen odd hours,
About anything and everything,
Well into the night.

That's an hour for each month I was away,
Fifteen hours to catch up,
On all the things I wanted,
To say to you.

I didn't get it all out,
I know you wouldn't let me say,
I still love you,
But it was surely implied.

I know you fought sleep all night,
To tell me in jaded words,
That I'm still bouncing around,
In your ribcage.

I know there's still a spark,
Even after so long apart,
And that you feel the need to be held,
As you drift off to sleep.

I promise I can fight off all your demons,
With my warm embrace,
And maybe a kiss or two,
If only you'll let me try.

I know you implied that someone,
You surely need by your side,
To fight the darkness once again,
Will always be me.

And I know I said I'm sorry,
About a thousand ******* times,
But I'll say it another,
Thousand ******* times.

When last we said goodnight,
I drifted off to fitful sleep,
Sorely missing our conversation,
And dreaming of you all night.
Aaron Reisinger
Written by
Aaron Reisinger
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