He still lives with demons that once held him tenderly when no one would be able to find the words to say that fill the glass as it is tipped back and slowly emptied of the liquor that stirs memories from the headwind that blew the lovers' hair back on the drive through autumn windy, windy mountain paths as another Queen song plays on the radio and the raindrops on the windshield tap along with fingertips against the steering wheel to Freddy Mercury and shared heartbeats.
The truth is he is lying there like an open wound as he begins to measure self-worth with texting tempo and memories of last summer being too hot to cuddle with one another though it was more than enough to hold feet under the thin sheets that remember the glass once again filling with words as another drink is emptied and his head burst through clouds leaving him to hydroplane through windy, windy mountain paths as the raindrops on the windshield applaud with the demons that beckon tenderly for his return.