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Dec 2016
I am like an owl.
Too much focused energy,
Try to see it all.

You are like a cat.
Piercing eyes and elusive.
You are warm, but stoic.

We are like turtles.
We have our safe place, hard shells.
Moving slow, cautious.

Time is so obscure.
Panic as the minutes pass,
Panic as they crawl.

Life is like the sea.
Hidden currents pull and push.
Try to ride the waves.

Your consciousness is,
Your own sail boat, a bubble.
Everything you are.

When two bubbles meet,
They may merge, become bigger.
One may pop, or both.

Life continues on.
Whether you march or sit still,
Your time will run out.

But this is your time.
It's not wrong to put self first.
Love radiates out.

Clear your eyes, mind, heart.
Find serenity and strength.
It won't be easy.

Watch how you feel and,
Learn who you are in this moment.
You are in control.

Learn and love yourself,
And every action you take
Will be genuine.

Every desire,
Every want or need or hope,
Is within your reach.
Ashur A Beasley
Written by
Ashur A Beasley
     Rosemarie Caruso and ---
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