An angel talked with me in what is probably one of the earth’s most beautiful places we were in Honolulu at the Hilton Hawaiian village I was in bed it was about three in the morning I love to explore
Many things and a great time is during the night watch which is hard when you love to sleep like I do But the excitement of the Islands makes you a light sleeper I looked over by the window we were on the
Twelfth floor that’s best for the view all over Honolulu but it’s a long way from heaven but there she Stood I can’t explain the gender we all assume angels are male not so she wasn’t the angels you hear so
Much about being seven feet tall and muscular no she was normal size and she did have dazzling golden Curly hair and as I recall her gown was at least a shade of gold she didn’t have a message but a question
Do you have a bible for the Islands? This paradise of earth where Pineapples, Papayas some of the most Grand exotic foods and sites to visit she wasn’t interested in that as another angel spoke to me in
Anaheim and for this reason I don’t fear for our country the last lines of Imposter says not my words But what the angel spoke “Land of light continue Miss Liberty your lamp burning bright” Heaven’s
Messenger still credits the U.S. as a light for a dark world although that was fifteen years ago and we Have slipped and need to right ourselves to fulfill our promised destiny the Hawaiian angel could have
Spoken of many things the turquoise waters the trade winds waterfalls all wonderful in them selves But heaven’s interest is always people I wrote Dreamer for the physical Hawaii but her question
Concerned the word of God that will give you more than physical paradise it will give you a spiritual One the mirror shows the physical truth whatever it is the bible does the same but with the exception
It gives a remedy all of us are plagued with ugly habits and ways come to it as harlots and murders have And be changed to saints incorruptible every dark spot and all that makes us unattractive receives a
Divine Make over your life becomes the abounding borders of paradise no matter where you live or your Circumstances who doesn’t resent things about ourselves and past mistakes within its cover is
Forgiveness grace and most importantly of all is the ability to truly change everything is changed You are made brand new the gift and treasure that you are and that suffered disfigurement is restored
Your life is not pie in the sky it is real the increase of value can never be calculated remorse will beat you Unmercifully the master has the perfect healing of body and soul it not foolishness but it will make you
Wise trouble is still the lot of the human family but you will have a heavenly father to take your hurts to They had the old saying sticks and stones will hurt me but never words what falsehood outward scars
Heal where inward injuries never heal and can ******* your life rob you of love and peace that belongs to You come as little lost sheep to the healing resplendent waters that are springs in a dry land the Bible
Has those springs and the balm of Gilgal that will treat your every hurt to many times our best friends Are held at arm’s length we don’t and can't trust even them and at times they offer
Love but are otherwise empty without answers our country and freedoms are just a beautiful guide post That more so than anywhere in the world shows how good life can be your just steps from all you will
Ever Need return to the faith of our fathers and pray and surrender and God will send his Holy Messengers to heal your life and bring this country into perfection as its course was first chartered When it began why live a defunct miserable life at the very gate of plenty