I breathe you. I breathe you in the first breath I take every morning I taste you in the NyQuil I have to abuse before I can sleep I see you in the purple dreams I remember every night
I have nightmares of you. I nightmare you in my inadequacy and my ignorance I nightmare you in my clothing and the way I cut my hair I nightmare you in the tumblr girls I reblog I nightmare you in the way my breath shortens when I can't breathe you and when I don't want to breathe you. Asthma attack, you're my air and I loathe you I want to suffocate but I can't keep suffering like this I NEED AIR. REAL AIR. NOT THIS HELL.
I want to breathe air. I don't want to breathe you. I want to dream dreams, Not nightmares.
You have total grasp of my mind And you don't even know.