Fleeing smoke;risen Proud and delicate Ghosts of wild horses What IS this? Eyes bathe Darkness;bliss My soul folds into itself Gentle now A metropolis collapsing into Sinkhole Gentle now; now What is THIS? Bluepurples burst growglow Then vanish More appear Matter cannot be created or Destroyed? Yeah? That hugs me like grizzly hibernation I am ancient Thats it! I have been here for centuries I remember Protozoa ****** in prehistoric lake The boredom of burning stars Massive galaxies collapsing like Waves Yes. I am satisfied with that. WHAT IS THIS? Bodies burnt back to ash An "i guess i'll just have..." Kind of dinner for worms To be consumed and created anew Againagainagain again Yes! No? No... I cant figure it out... My heart beats Detonation countdown After all this My own heart will be the one To **** me What is this? I don't have much time.