**** traffic for taking too much time on your hands. **** those happy couples passing by your way. **** that stupid shirt you always get to wear out of hundreds of **** shirts. **** that person you dont want to see on the worst day but you see anyway. **** your pride when it's too tall to fall. **** older people for not understanding but were never short on judging. **** your friends when they are too selfish and stupid most of the time. **** yourself for always giving a ****. **** this feeling that should have not stayed but never bother leave today. **** my heart would one day just explode with all these madness. **** you when I cant find you. **** you when I wanted just one touch from you. **** what would I do if I was still able to hold you. **** me for taking myself for granted. **** myself for being the ***** that is unwanted. **** me for not putting much effort. **** me for not being a good sport. **** me for loving myself way too short. **** this sadness that's eating me whole. **** today I've never felt this alone.
my eyes do not well with tears. i'm too weak to face my fears. i am built of stone cold exterior and shattered glass interior. i'm afraid i'd break down one of these days. so I pray that these words turn to a big smiley face.