Boxed in I stare around the cell that holds me my beating heart quickens every moment I spend here locked inside my cell
Sunlight streams through the bared window I remember how you looked through it I rise to my feet sighing heavily remembering how I came to my senses wishing that I hadn't
I'm still rebuilding from your invasion I halfway wish I'd let you break my heart instead of me cutting ties before I got hurt
I'm not lazy when it comes to my cell I cover every crack and continue to search for another yet I feel I'm still missing some
Every stone Every brick Every crack has a past a reason some are so old I have forgotten their meaning
I plaster the cracks and holes still left from you for some reason my walls are still tumbling more so when I think of you
I haven't had anyone damage my wall this much ever in all the time it's stood strong but its crumbling at the slightest glance from you and I fear the end of my cell might be near