Naked Politicians Once someone sent me a photo of a famous German politician The photo was from a nudist beach and natural she was a sixteen-year-old girl smiles shyly βwith some reason- she never was a beauty but All sixteen years old are gorgeous For me, it made her more human and I have never seen the photo since Wouldn't be great if we saw all politicians in the ****, say, Trump or India's Morsi. The Israeli prime minister would cast a rotund figure without his corset Erdogan and his wife holding hand only shielded by a newspaper he has banned, Putin naked in his swimming pool perhaps he has a small **** naked around a conference table somehow the impressive would became less so and more human to bow to a woman who has forest of a ****** or shake hand with a man with a dangling *****, my dear they would look so vulnerable that a war would be impossible and we would giggle and they would go home stat judo classes or take up jogging or spend time in the gym they would never have time for war.