with enough writing material at your disposal, you end up playing at a metaphor for the children's game of hide & seek. the beauty of writing is that whatever you write, it still leaves everyone else: being busy. koala busy though? panda busy? probably not. we never managed to imitate true mammals... insects? we've got that covered until the next meteor. and no, that leaves us without the dinosaur nighttime story to care for; i'd swear monkeys don't live on the savannah but in thick jungle... what were the benefits of shedding fur? a haircut? i'm still trying to consolidate Darwinism in Platonism... i can see the Aristotelian incremental +, but beyond what's already idyllic and has to be disturbed... never seen a monkey molester and other akin to Hinduism's arguments... and without any negativism, my voice is already speaking into a shadow rather than on a stage and into a crowd; over and over again... surrounded by very finite expressions of truth, e.g. water boils at 100ºC... there is nothing worthwhile the daily life that needs a Darwinistic foundation... i just see Darwinism as the emergence of 24h news and a loss of faith in the media akin to the loss of faith in parliament: when Darwinism encountered history after arguing theology down to the point of, well... um: mongolian harmonica?