i was already teetering on the brink of disaster. watch me sink, an anchor hurled into choppy, shark-tooth seas.
my mind is a millstone dragging me beneath. they bored holes in all the lifeboats. frigid water numbs both head and heart. atrophy.
whether waking trapped between restless dreams in knotted, sweaty sheets or fighting fascists in the city streets, everywhere i look i see no justice, no peace. constant war. searching for self-love in the rising tide of violence. romance has vanished in a time where friends become lovers only to become strangers again.
your hand was the cup i dipped into a well-spring of courage, nurturing and revitalizing. when your fingertips etched the word "love" on my wrist in cursive script, i could've died amidst that field of bliss. and when my tongue sampled your nectar—a faint haze of bruised star-fruit, bloomed hibiscus, and Marlboro light cigarettes— i found freedom hanging on your lips, a refreshing elixir of hope to combat my fearful mess.
but now the glass is more than half- empty. your absence has me fashioning myself a noose from my anxiety. so string me up from the outstretched limbs of a heartwood tree. let me die serene, serenade me with one last glimpse of your nebulae irises.
this crisis shows no signs of abating. and even while i feel the constant weight of death bearing down on me, i choose to live deliberately. so mute my Twitter feed if it helps you flee. sometimes i wish i was still naïve, if only to get some ******* sleep.