A government for the people And by the people Is just an old fashion ideal Or at least that’s how it feels Since Citizens United Rose up to fight it Then got the Supreme Court to bite it It’s no wonder they’re delighted
A government for the people And by the people Might have been what we had Before the oligarchy went mad And told the middle class Kiss their collective *** So all that’s in the pass Let’s say a funeral mass
A government for the people And by the people Like high button shoes Is clearly yesterday’s news But we’re to blame For letting ‘em change the game And throw out all the rules Now we’re ruled by fools
A government for the people And by the people Let’s not sell that anymore Like we used to do before It’s time we start admitting Politicians do their bidding Who the hell we think we’re kidding Not the ones the **** is hitting
Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016. All rights reserved.