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Nov 2016
Why you angry?
Why you hurt?
Obviously, you're not following your minister's sermon.
But If they preach hate than they off course.
They in need of a loving church.

Listen when reports speaks of white nationalists.
They feel their rights are secondary.
Are they still holding truth to being seen as someone's master.

Quick, to speak of the second amendments.
Which center around rights to a gun.
As if the first one does rank higher concerning you or I.

Strange that history has and continuously shows.
They were steps ahead of the starting line before the word go.
And now all we hear is about their feelings of fallen behind.

When, if ever, did this happen?
Cause they still masters of blatant discrimination.

The world's changing on a daily route.
You either adjust or get left behind.

So why?
Are you angry?
This is all I ask.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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