Inside each and every personal decision There lies an opportunity for revision Unless you step across it like a line in the sand To continue on with a path not planned So time creates opportunity to accept pauses But only for those who have a love for the lost causes Otherwise we seem to be lowering the drawbridge In order to push out everyone who has true knowledge So that those lies we've told ourselves matter Will be enough when all future hope begins to scatter And the four winds carry away all sense of reason Anyone not agreeing with self-destruction is guilty of treason And although the Defenders stand ready at the ramparts Does not mean an enemy attack is in the star charts Whatever way you thought you could actually forecast Went away the day you decided to step past That opportunity for revision - that was your line in the sand Before the spark of insurrection you purposely fanned Why then do you seem to be now so altruistic Without accepting responsibility for plans so unrealistic There were signs posted all along that narrow highway You know the one you denied was the way to ruin by delay So what is it you in your hour of need plead for We shut out yesterday now come to batter down the door While getting burned by the warnings that you spurned As false warnings of those who studied but never learned That which you swept aside never breaking stride as you did your best to have your narrow thoughts applied to all who resisted that you insisted was what God enlisted you for .. to ensure that we were all to do
So if that really was what you know to be true Why is it now that you need us the expendables To come to the aid and rescue of you who even now won't accept that ..