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Nov 2016
(of domes, towers and gnomes)
              ...a repost...

The day is at its end
the towers and domes in the city
Are all closed...all hushed up
Abandoned....a lonely sight,
The gnomes of the day are mostly gone
Beware.... the gnomes of the night
Have woken and are now energized
Raring to prowl the dark halls and corridors
Out to the unlit backstreets and corners
Cloaked by towering shadows
all set to play havoc to unknowing  passers-by....

In the dark,

....where all restraints are set free
Where unconquered demons
Take centerstage....

In the dark,

....where the dead gets to live again

In the dark

...where anything goes, unnoticed
In the shadows, where
The dark sky is the limit...................
Until the first shafts of light come in
When all secrets stand to be revealed
------The dark takes a rest-------
-------as a new day unfolds------


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
...a repost from 2013......edited a bit.....

              Happy Halloween to all!
Sally A Bayan
Written by
Sally A Bayan  F/Manila, Philippines
(F/Manila, Philippines)   
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