The foundation of selfishness Has much to do with wanting and desiring And places a heavy focus on Thoughts of obtaining and acquiring.
The instinctive ego takes control And motivations become self-centered. We're often heedless and unaware Of the shadowy place that we have entered.
Naturally, self-centeredness Colors what we think and do; But NOT wanting and NOT desiring, On the other hand, can be selfish, too.
Wanting: selfish? Not wanting: selfish? How--we might ask--does that make sense? NOT wanting may substantiate Our way of life at others' expense:
Not wanting others to share the same freedoms; Not wanting others to have the same rights; Being silent when seeing injustice; Ignoring people's struggles and plights;
Not acknowledging the efforts of others; Not desiring to work toward peace; Not wanting to know oneself; Not caring if hatreds cease;
Being indifferent to the happiness of others; Not allowing others to progress; Not wanting to know how to fix Our planet once we've made a huge mess.
NOT wanting in many ways Speaks as loudly as word or deed, And we become helpless victims Of our sad and varying levels of greed.
What motivates us really? Do we know, or do we care? Is it safer NOT to know? It might seem so, but beware.