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Jamison Bell
Oct 2016
Click "continue reading". I dare you. I double dog dare you.
It was on a night like this, not long ago.
The air stood still and the moon hung low.
A loathsome lad on the bow of a whaler.
Not much of a farmer but a pretty good sailor.
Made a wish on the breast of Blue he killed.
"Your mightiest dead, his blood I've spilled!"
Most gods didn't listen save one who did care.
Poseidon held steadfast, his attention was snared.
"Poseidon pay forth my wish which I've earned!
My fortunes everlasting and enemies burned!"
Poseidon appeared though not as you think him.
He appeared as fresh water so the sailor would drink him.
"My favor you seek?" The lads stomach it snarled.
"You killed one of my daughters your heart I will gnarl!"
"Oh dear god who hath forsaken my favor.
Spare me your wrath, my heart don't savor."
The young sailor pleaded his tables now turned.
The house of his dreams Poseidon has burned.
"Quiet you fool your tears do not pang me.
One day I favor you will marry a banshee.
She'll be quite striking, clever, and loyal.
For her hand and her heart you mustn't recoil.
You'll live quite well your fortunes more fair.
You'll suffer no fools, you will not despair.
One night though I'll come back to collect.
I spared your life tis quite a large debt."
Our whaling friend abided then his muscles began to quake.
Poseidon made him ***** so an exit he could make.
They parted ways and many years of travels came to be.
Our whaling lad he had searched those perilous seven seas.
Soon he met and fell in love with a girl from the forests edge.
He proposed to her in sight of Poseidon on high upon a ledge.
A few years passed and soon she bore this man a son.
He couldn't believe his very eyes what favors had he won.
Then one night Poseidon came and rapped his trident on the door.
"A debt must be paid with your own son. I mustn't wait anymore!"
The lad he knew better than to argue with Poseidon.
He took his son from his wife's arms knowing better to abide him.
Poseidon took his son and cast him to the stars.
A reminder far more lasting than any mortal scars.
The young mans wife done cast herself into the firey hearth.
Having done cursed her love and self, for ever giving birth.
The sailor said "What penance, if any, was there ever to be made?"
Poseidon turned away from him for the debt the man had paid.
"Does your pain right now not make you favor death?
Do you not savor in the thought of smelling Cerebrus' breath?
Can you fashion upon your eyes a single saving grace?
How about your soul for one more look upon her face?"
The whaling man said nothing putting pistol to his temple.
The plan it seems all along had been well, rather simple.
A discharged flash and his eyes opened wide.
Prone in his bed his lovely wife there by his side.
His son began to bellow from the crib by the hearth.
Everything was as it was, his love and the birth.
A new moon shone out upon the quiet sea.
Poseidon beckoned the old man to venture out to he.
"Poseidon I don't know what I could do to honor you my god.
Your feats are grand and generous your efforts I applaud."
"Save face my friend for you have learned your lesson well.
And that's to say this **** right here is by Jamison ****** Bell!"
Written by
Jamison Bell
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