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Oct 2016
Poet’s words continuously pop out
It’s a pull of surprise I am talking about
Words that seem to creep and make you peek
It’s those sentences for the entire week
Inspire is written on the walls
Yet keep moving but don’t stall
As you open the door, a word of don’t ignore
You are in the Poet’s exploratory hands
Silent is the heart
A trail of words on the floor
Those same words encourage you in reading for sure
Accelerate, Illustrate and Participate
These are the values in how a Poet relates
It keeps the Poet’s thoughts alive and strong
The communications of words in where they belong
But let’s continue our tour
We have been here for about an hour
A Poet stands live in front and center
The Poet of motivation
Eye in point and phrases being the indication
The Poet wants to persuade with you being the subject of response
“I read, but I know I must understand opportunity in being once in a lifetime, but achievement is far more doing than a dream beyond, but tomorrow with a future to look forward to”
Now as we exit, I hope you enjoyed the journey down a Poet’s laird
Now continue being a Poet you always was meant to be
Continue to inspire readers eyes so that they can our inner heart for all to see
It’s a wonder yonder
A short walk from the mind
It’s a happening all combined
A true Poet is his or her own virtue full of inspiration being more than expressions, but establishing commitment
So long from the Poet’s laird, and just write with all the influence of care.
Written by
preservationman  New York City
(New York City)   
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