She's looking into the glass again, getting real up close and personal What about this image looks disgusting, wrong, or out of place? I think it's my lips or my eyes or the landscape of my face She moves down Collarbone jutting out, shoulders that form a 30 60 90 triangle from slouching too much A concave ribcage, ribs protruding through incandescent skin that scars too easily A back curved by lordotic lords that make her arms dangle like a dead baby doll's Too thin thighs that she can wrap her too small hands around and a gap between her legs a mile wide but **** those curves are shy Knees that wobble and knock when she walks, they say she could've been a dancer by her gait, so awkward yet poised ******* she says I know I walk funny stop rubbing more salt into this ****** wound She takes a step back from the shattered glass and whispers I never liked you ******* - -z.z