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Mar 2012
I'm just so tired
I can't wait,
I don't want to wait
I want it now.
I want to get away
Away from it all
Set free, be free
Let go.
But I want you there, too.
The problem is,
the dilemma is,
the trouble is,
I just can't seem to find you.
With glimpses I see ogres.
And they are not you.
I just can't seem to find you.
No matter the time spent,
Even with the short glimpses of you,
they fade,
it seems as if you can't be found.
Impossible. Impractical. Useless.
Do you want to be found?
Must it be this hard
to find you?
Centuries spent
walking through this tunnel of thought
the one that curves and spirals
the one that is dim
the one that is cold
the one that just doesn't end.
I want it to end.

I'm just so tired.
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