A fly dies its useless body a pimple on the windowsill.
The pub is not an option you know the man in the cornershop quite well.
Your car has had a toothache for the past six years.
A phone call is never good news only your sister’s white noise.
The TV’s used just for the lottery but you’ll never win
and the cat meows wondering where her food has got to.
Written: October 2016. Explanation: To mark National Poetry Day on 6th October, I wrote 25 poems over the course of eight days, and sent one poem each to one of 25 of my Facebook friends. After some deliberation, I am now posting the poems on HP (in order of when they were written), albeit not all in one go. 'Firework' is poem one, for those of you who wish to read the series in full, in order. None of the poems are about their recipients. All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page. NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.