A man with dragonfly wings and a ravens head interrupted a dream where the moon was dying and the sun was burning its last match He spoke in clicks and clacks and had hooves for feet and told a story of the birth of the first star who had no father or mother Lost and alone in an infinite darkness the star had little to do but ponder if there was any difference between reality and fiction and which one it belonged to Did it belong to a dream or a wish or was it an illusion or a trick or was it just imagining itself and maybe it wasn't even a star Maybe it wasn't anything at all Maybe it was nothing more than a feverish thought of a mad god with dragonfly wings and a ravens head and hooves for feet who had murdered his mother and father He made a noise that sounded something like a cackle and a snarl and then hovered for a moment before flying off into a blood red sky The dream flickered back into focus and the sun had no flame or fire and the moons corpse floated out in a burning boat towards oceans end Its last dream wrapped in velvet bandages dangled in a starless sky humming a silent song only the first star ever born could hear