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Oct 2016
I remember the old tree with apples galore
Which lived in our garden right near the back door
His branches were twisty with all sorts of knots
With fruit to feed many, from a time once forgot!

He looked really posh with his head in the air
And he was my friend and long hours we did share
Up high in his branches where birds sometimes flew
In a make believe kingdom where dreams did come true!

When needing escape from the trivia’s of school
I’d climb high in his branches and wept like a fool
I’d tell him my downfalls and he’d lend me his ear
Then he’d rock me so gently, and away went all fear!

The old house we lived in was too old for repair
Then an order was served, to evict us from there
In the garden of my childhood where things came to pass
Mere mortal and nature,with a fondness to last!

So I’ll remember the old tree with apples galore
Whom lived in our garden right near a back door
There was more to the old tree than apples or wood
His branches held comfort, and his heart had much love!

© by LynnKaren
lynn karen
Written by
lynn karen
       Alice, Pure LOVE, BlueMoo, ---, Keith Wilson and 10 others
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