I sit here in complete silence Nothing to see but green painted walls The stories spreading around school About how the green office is only for the CRAZIES I hear whispers but its nothing new Every time I turn the corner is a whole New false story i’ve never heard before Funny how people just love to destroy others Such an amazing world Right? WRONG. This is the last place i'd ever like to be I know I’ve never been to hell but it could just not possibly be any worse than being here This is just hell x10 So many false stories out there In this cruel world that can and will be the death of me, No these horrible People will be the death of me Funny how I'm told never to give up But guess what IT ISN’T THAT EASY When you've lost all your fight you'll understand and you'll see everything just as i see Poems at least help me express a few things But trust me this isn't even the least There is so much more to be said But will i say it, No. I remember when I was happy and very kind But thats been stolen from me and I have no where Else to turn besides my wrists I understand it doesn’t sound so great but I helps me take some of the pain away Some pain taken away will each day will get me though most of the pain I get loaded with each and everyday.