I don’t hear from you as much as before I’m as patient as can be I try to deny my expectations I’m as patient as can be
I try not to worry about you thinking about me I know that you are not I try not to care of you, me and us When in fact, there is us because I care about you a lot
If you could only look into my brain See how everything is causing me so much strain I hope that you truly care about me I hope that you truly love me
I try to just feel nothing about everything I try to appear that I don’t care if you care or not I wish that you really don’t want to lose me Because I feel that you can and you will, in reality
I don’t know what I want from you I don’t even know if I truly love you If I’m just in love with your existence I want me to be your reason for existence
We had what we had Not because you love or care for me Me as your prototype She as your final marrying type
I try to keep my cool I try to appear that everything is normal I try to appear nonchalant about it I try to think that it won’t be painful When you finally say that what we had was awful