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Oct 2016
Do we simulate or
These similes
we toss out so

To rhyme or not isn’t
the real question.

Down deep in our
inner being
is empathy.
Capture or
don’t make a point.

What are the lines
and spaces?
Do they look at
or peer about
a soul, a brain?

The emphasis must
really be
******-fiction or

A vacuum or perhaps
a void,
the truth or hurtful

Are lines and syllables
written, etched
out for us or them?

We live by poetic
license, using
a photo ID or a
nom de plume.

But here is the final
secret: our
lines are emotion,
or just an

© Lewis Bosworth, 10/2016
Lewis Bosworth
Written by
Lewis Bosworth  Madison, WI USA
(Madison, WI USA)   
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