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Sep 2016
Brooding skies
Tell me

I am falling

The weight of grey clouds
Like gates of a foreboding vault
Tell me

I am falling

I feel it
In the walls
Of my heart

Drops of sweat gather
About my forehead

My thoughts ache

And yet
I am
An artist

And this is the adventure
For which I have yearned

To be free



So why does freedom
Feel so dangerous?

Why will my tense body
Resist it

Do I wish to cling to the security
Of imprisonment?

I must call upon courage

Deeply possessed
Birth right of all

Limitless oceans of strength
Awaiting those who seek it

And I will believe in the sun
Although invisible to the eye
This morning

It is there
To warm
My juddering soul

For in the storms
We are like mice
Huddling together for safety

Our tears should not be shed in pity
We should hold each other close

For we are human

We have fear
And courage

We possess despair
And hope

We live
Yet we will die
29th September 2016
Commuter Poet
Written by
Commuter Poet  UK
   --- and Doug Potter
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