Inches away... But in different worlds I quietly await for the dream you promised me, Instead I see you buried in years of solitude,
Quiet, Unwilling to rise with me, Because there may be something in the ground waiting for you, Something that seems to be less fast paced and quite more traditional,
Since I am so unconventional, So queer, So foreign to you. So I tear my wings in hope that I can wait for you As my flesh burns in desire.
I want to awaken you...yet not even the sun accomplishes such task.
And I am afraid that in your deep sleep one day my heart will be unwilling to compromise, That impatient heart of mine that likes to walk away and destroy long term possibilities. That needy heart of mine that yearns for the feeling of your breath over my skin, Your soul over my soul, Your flesh over my tongue.
So if and when he leaves Don't ask where he has gone, He's never told me.
(But he's there) Impatiently waiting at the terminal of "maybes" Measuring the time with the rise of the sun And when he sleeps he dreams of your hands surrounding him, Touching him, Making him feel Like you and him belong.