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Feb 2012
Curtain up on cardboard courtyard, spotlight moon frames first figure seated

Logeverchy ~ Ache not solemn heart for solitude of beat tears night asunder,
                        leaving my breast a hollow soul, as I alone am left to wonder.
                        Wait whom skulks in shadows midst and pry's on secret pain,
                        come hither phantom make intention known or as my heart be slain.

Vanalausch ~ Tis I my lord your honoured bondsman see my hand a letter,
                      scented with a hint of promise, from the Maiden of Valetta.
Logeverchy ~ Can it be nay be away foul night vapours of fetid cheese
                        and with your words and false hopes another may ye tease.
                        oh if but for a chance halt, again to me and may in truth
                        Thy proffered offering give unto doubtful mind unreputed proof.

Curtain falls and again rises on silk draped bed chamber where a maid attends her lady

Anvibility ~ If er' heaven blest so sweet a union let it be this night
                  and may his heart on feathered wings be given up to flight.
Nuxominal ~ Hush lest your words meet with unwelcome ears
                    and give voice to tongue to speak aloud my fears.
                    Hast thou not heard the footfalls upon yonder stair,
                    I know not what evil deed awaits my true love there.

Anvibility ~ I will away and light a lamp and place it by the door,
                  if only now to settle thee and to guide to thee amour.

Curtain closes and reopens painted canvas corridor with candle flickering

Logeverchy ~ Be it ever thus that so simple a light could herald me such hope
                      for two in stolen moments steal away and into night elope.
Door is opened by Anvibility and Logeverchy enters bed chamber as Nuxominal looks up

Anvibility ~ Harken my words and be away let not this moment bind you,
                  the horses and provisions wait lest now her father find you.

                    exit stage left lights fade curtain falls and all is quiet..
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