Step one: You meet or met; The Internet. Not long ago. You from somewhere in Kokomo, (that’s Indiana), Or in Goa, India. Or goodness knows - it happened anyhow. Warmth turned to passion, Fashioned from that crossing passage Into one another’s lives. Pair-tners waxing like the moon.
Step two: The snoring, interruptions, Mannerisms, quirks, needs, those discussions, Frame of mind. You find Its whole attire tiring. Time scale of no import, Both or one Work out, discover, come to grips : Passion gone, And too, the pair-tnership.
Step three: You fire him or her, Or he or she fires you From love that turned into a job. Although you sob you’ve not been robbed. It’s fair to say And not deride The faults, blemishes on either side, For condemnation’s not the way. The plot and play’s scenario Are all too Recognizable.
It Could Happen To You And Probably Has 9.26.2016 Love Relationships II; Arlene Corwin